Resilience and Growth: The Keys to Thriving in Construction - Alchemy Construct
21 Aug 2024

Meet Our Team — Resilience and Growth: The Keys to Thriving in Construction

Staying resilient in an ever-changing environment and maintaining a growth mindset.

Navigating the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry demands more than just technical skills and experience. It requires resilience and a growth mindset—qualities that are essential for both personal and professional success.

If you follow us across on the socials, you may have seen this familiar face pop up from time-to-time. Adrian, our Contracts Manager is someone who truly exemplifies these traits. His resilience in facing complex projects and his commitment to continuous learning have been pivotal to his success at Alchemy.

Having begun his career in construction over 12 years ago, 8 of those years now at Alchemy, we decided to ask him a few probing questions to explore how staying resilient and maintaining a growth mindset have been pivotal in shaping a fulfilling career.

Tell us a bit about yourself! Your background and what you love to do outside of work.

I moved over to Australia 9 years ago from Ireland and while I initially only came for 1 year, I quickly realised it was going to be hard to leave. I have 12 years of experience in the construction industry, with 8 of those years spent with Alchemy. Outside of work, I enjoy golf, watching sport and spending time with my young family.

What first drew you to this career path and how did your journey in the industry begin?

After studying a degree in Civil Engineering, I was naturally drawn to the fast-paced and dynamic construction industry. Starting as a Site Engineer, I was able to apply my engineering knowledge and passion for construction to real-world projects. I naturally gravitated towards the commercial side of things and I transitioned to Contracts Administration, eventually leading me to my current role as a Contracts Manager.

What does a typical day look like for you as a Contracts Manager?

A typical day involves many different tasks such as managing the company’s various systems, to reviewing and negotiating contracts. I am also regularly involved in monthly project forecast meetings, trade package approvals and liaising with the project teams to assist with any commercial matters.

Why do you think having resilience and a growth mindset are important to a growing business like Alchemy?
Having resilience and a growth mindset are crucial in a growing business like Alchemy because they allow the company to adapt to changes, overcome challenges, and continuously strive for improvement.

“Having resilience and a growth mindset are crucial in a growing business like Alchemy because they allow the company to adapt to changes, overcome challenges, and continuously strive for improvement.”

You’ve been with Alchemy for a number of years now, having grown from strength to strength. What keeps you motivated and helps you to maintain a growth mindset in your role?

What keeps me motivated is the constant opportunity for learning and growth within the company. And every job is unique, which keeps each day interesting and challenging. It’s also very rewarding being part of a company that continues to go from strength to strength and which really provides a positive impact to our local communities.

How do you continue to develop your skills and knowledge in the field? Any favourite methods or resources?

I’m a strong believer that you ‘’learn from doing’’. I aim to complete and carry out various tasks everyday. When it comes to contract reviews, repetition is key to bed down a deep understanding of key contractual clauses and requirements. I also occasionally attend industry seminars and workshops to stay updated on the latest trends and material.

How do you balance the pressures of tight deadlines and high-stakes negotiations while keeping a positive outlook and building your resilience?

It’s all about effective time management and maintaining open lines of communication with all parties involved. Staying positive and resilient comes from experience and the understanding that challenges are part of the job.

In your opinion, what makes a successful Contracts Manager?

In my opinion, a successful Contracts Manager is detail-oriented, has excellent negotiation skills, and possesses a deep understanding of the construction industry and the processes necessary to deliver a successful project.

Looking back on your career, what are you most proud of and why?

Reflecting on my career, the progression I’ve made within the company stands out as a significant achievement. Starting as a site engineer and growing into the role of Contracts Manager has been a journey of continuous learning and development. Each project I’ve worked on has been an opportunity to apply and expand my skills, from technical knowledge gained during my Civil Engineering degree to negotiation and management skills honed on the job. The experience and expertise I’ve gained over the years have not only shaped me professionally but also personally. This journey of growth and the impact I’ve been able to make are what I’m most proud of in my career.

What advice would you give to someone just starting in the field or looking to enter the construction industry?

For someone starting in the field, I’d advise them to be patient, eager to learn, and not be afraid of challenges. The construction industry is fast-paced and can be tough, but it’s also very rewarding.